
Evaluation Quiz

Hello Year 12. Now that you have completed your assessment task and the last homework/ revision task on this Blog I would like you to answer a few questions about the way the unit was taught and structured. This is to help your teachers make this unit even better for next year's class, so please be honest and give us some constructive comments.

Instructions: Highlight the questions and copy/ paste them into a comment form. Then submit your answers like a normal comment.

1) Was the assessment for this unit clear?

2) Do you think the ICT aspects of the course (this Blog, Webquests, Word processing, PowerPoint etc) challenged you and helped you develop new skills? Why/ why not?

3) Did your teacher have a good knowledge of ICT?

4) Would you recommend this subject to younger students because of this unit? Why/ why not?

5) Do you have a stronger interest in this subject/ topic because of this unit? Why/ why not?

6) Describe what you liked the most about this unit?

7) Describe what you liked least about this unit?

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