
Assignment Discussion Thread

Hello Year 12,
Although you should now have completed the set online homework tasks (see me asap at school if you haven't!) now is not the time to break into holiday mode. Instead, you need to start thinking seriously about the assessment for this unit. You should all possess an assessment task sheet by now (again, if not- see me!) and the guidelines that go along with it. Use the marking criteria and the PowerPoint that you have been shown in class to help you. Also consider revising the mindmap we completed together in class on the elements of a good PowerPoint. You should, after next ICT based lesson's work also be feeling comfortable about referencing your sources for the task.

This posting provides a way for you to communicate with each other and with me, your teacher, outside of class about the assessment. It is the place to ask questions, suggest techniques, post useful resources and in general help each other and ask me for help. You are all expected to contribute to this thread as part of your assessment, so I shall expect to see at least 2 comments from each one of you! Remember- even if you don't have a question yourself there is every chance you can answer someone else's, so get commenting!

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